21 Feb 2025
Housekeeping notes
Hey, nice, my blog has a navbar now! In addition to the (previously hidden) pages for Conference Talks and Personal Projects, there is a completely new page for my Professional Resumé, which I have updated for the first time in uh… probably 12 years. So that’s good.
My personal about and splash page at arko.net is also readable on phone-sized screens now. That only took 15 years or so.
If you’re seeing this, that also means I have successfully migrated from my legacy Netlify setup to my new setup on Micro.blog. Now that I’m done moving all the existing posts, I can write new posts here without having to check out my git repo and create new markdown files and commit and push them. Hooray.
Coming up next: still working on importing 18 years worth of tumblr posts into another micro.blog instance, and also planning to add linkblog-style posts to this blog so I can post smaller things even more easily.